Lent services and activities
Lent is a time when Christians reflect and prepare for the celebrations of Easter. Some people fast, eat frugally or give up treats following the example of Jesus, who fasted for forty days in the wilderness. People also give to charity, set aside time to study the Bible and meet with other Christians to reflect on Jesus’ life and prepare for the events of Holy Week and Easter.
Ash Wednesday 14th February
Messy Church does Valentine’s day, Luppitt Village Hall from 10:30am with Revd Nigel and Revd Jane
Ash Wednesday service 7pm at St. Nicholas, Dunkeswell
Lent reflections
Every Thursday at 7pm from 15 February until 14 March in the Dunkeswell Village Hall
Every Friday at 10:30am from 16 February until 15 March in the Vestry Room, Plymtree
Dunkeswell Soupa Tuesday
Every Tuesday from 20th February until 26 March at the Dunkeswell Sports & Social club. Soup, bread, cheese. Donations to Honiton Food Bank
In Lent 2023 the whole of the Bible was read aloud in Plymtree Church.
This year all of the books of the Apocrypha will be read on every weekday from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday – three chapters at 10.00am and three at 4.00pm.
Everyone is welcome to come and listen or to take part in reading the 172 chapters.
Contact plymtreechurch@hotmail.co.uk for more information.
The Apocrypha dates from the period between the Old and New Testaments.
Martin Luther wrote that these books are not held equal to the sacred scriptures, and yet are useful and good for reading.